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    Venus Rising: Encounter at Eros Station

    Models: Comics
    Category: Comics
    Tags: Magazines, Comics

    Venus Rising: Encounter at Eros Station

    When trainees Bella Foxx, Tanya Grey and maintenance drone 4Q2 are assigned to explore Eros Station, they waste no time in getting into trouble as they discover that the values of the Earth Republic are not found in the outer reaches of the galaxy.
    70 page hybrid multi frame comic, so the pages that drive the story are multi framed (traditional comic style), but the sexy fun is all single pages.
    BOOK ONE IS FREE!!! Look, let me bottom line this for you, I’ve spent a lot of time in this project and I'm giving Book One away for free own the hope that you like it enough to buy Book Two (out around the 5th November). At the end of the day I do this for a living, it’s literally how I pay my rent, so if you like Venus Rising Book One, the best way you can thank me by buying Book Two (aka Slaves, Spanking and Sexy Fun on Fet-15H). But, either way I hope you enjoy this freebie

    Categories: Magazines / Comics
    Format: JPG/ PDF
    Pics total: 75
    Size: 45 MB

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