Marilyn and the Senator (1975)
Marilyn and the Senator (1975)
Starring: Nina Fause, Heather Leigh, Sharon Thorpe
Categories: Classic
Date Added: 1975
(1918 Mb)
Scene 1. Nina Fause, Bill Margold
Scene 2. Sharon Thorpe, Bill Margold
Scene 3. Heather Leigh, Bill Margold
Scene 4. Nina Fause, Sharon Thorpe, Bill Margold
Scene 5. Heather Leigh, Bill Margold
Scene 6. Nina Fause, Sharon Thorpe
Scene 7. blonde, brun, Heather Leigh, Sharon Thorpe, Serena, Bill Margold
Scene 8. Nina Fause, Bill Margold
Scene 9. Heather Leigh, Bill Margold
Scene 10. Nina Fause, Bill Margold
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